
Find this month's selection of useful resources

[Rajaaisya/Science Photo Library]

ME/CFS/PVFS Clinical & Research Guide – 2022 Edition

The ME Association has published an updated version of its clinical and research guide on Myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and post-viral fatigue syndrome (PVFS).

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This authoritative guide explores the clinical and research aspects of what is still one of the world’s least understood illnesses – one that can sharply divide medical opinion and leave many sufferers feeling deeply stigmatised and excluded. The new version has been radically revised to reflect the recommendations in the 2021 NICE Clinical Guideline on ME/CFS and includes information about Long Covid. Available from £10 on Amazon or direct from the ME Association.

Translations of post-viral fatigue management guide

The British Association of Clinicians in ME/CFS (BACME) has published a range of online translations of their post-viral fatigue management guide. They include Arabic, Bengali, Italian, Polish, Somali and Urdu versions of the guide

Improving patient flow conference  

Open Forum Events is hosting next year’s Improving Patient Flow Performance: Supporting the Recovery conference, which is due to take place on 21 March 2023 in Manchester.

The annual event aims to examine the causes of interrupted patient flow and bring key stakeholders together to explore how to improve patient flow performance.

It will include plenary presentations, delivered by a line-up of expert speakers, and provide delegates with insights into how streamlining processes can prevent stagnation and maintain momentum in the system. Visit the website for the Open Forum Events.

NICE updates guidance on osteoarthritis

The National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published an updated guideline on the diagnosis and management of osteoarthritis in people over 16.

It covers the diagnosis, assessment and non-surgical management of osteoarthritis and includes evidence-based guidance on the use of therapeutic exercise. NICE guideline [NG226].

Every mind matters

The NHS has produced a series of new resources to support their Better Health – Every Mind Matters campaign. The resources, which are free to use and can be ordered or downloaded, aim to encourage conversations around mental wellbeing.

They include a communications toolkit, social media animations, posters, conversation starters and dispensers, digital screens, email signatures and other assets. Large print, BSL and Easy Read format resources are also available. 

Resources appearing on this page are not necessarily endorsed by the CSP

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